Online Science Olympiad Level 2 Classes for Grade 7
Olympiads lay the groundwork for excelling in competitive exams and strengthening essential skills. The Level 2 Science Olympiad course boosts students' understanding of scientific concepts, logical reasoning, and analytical abilities.
At Olympiad Success Live, our Level 2 course for Science Olympiad is tailored for Class 7 students with the help of skilled tutors. This program ensures a robust foundation to help students success in Level 2 Science Olympiad.
Ready to get started? Click here to check complete details like batch timings, demo schedules, fees, and start date.
Nutrition in Plants and Animals
- Nutrition in plants and its types
- Autotrophic nutrition in plants
- Experimental investigation
- To test a leaf for starch
- To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis
- To show that rate of photosynthesis is affected by light
- Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
- Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
- Synthesis of food other than carbohydrates by plants
- Heterotrophic nutrition
- Heterotrophic nutrition in plants
- Saprotrophs
- Replenishing nutrients in the soil
- Nutrition in amoeba, hydra and frog
- The human digestive system
- a) Digestion in the mouth
- Digestion in the stomach
- Digestion in the small intestine
- Absorption in the small intestine
- Assimilation
- Egestion
- Ruminants
Fibre to Fabric
- Climate and Clothes
- Natural fibres
- Vegetable fibre
- Animal fibre
- Wool
- Types of wool
- From hair to wool
- Rearing
- Shearing
- Scouring
- Sorting
- Dyeing
- Making yarns
- Silk
- Life cycle of a silk moth
- Sericulture
- Health conditions of workers in the wool and sericulture industry
- Sorter’s disease
- Respiratory disease
- Scabies and other skin infections
- Heat as a form of energy and its units, joule(J) and calorie (cal)
- Temperature
- Different units of Temperature (°C, °F, K)
- Conversion from one scale to another
- Measuring temperature
- The laboratory thermometer
- The clinical thermometer
- Effects of Heat
- Change in temperature
- Change in size (Expansion and contraction)
- Expansion in liquids
- Expansion in solids
- Expansion in gases
- Expansion around us
- Change in state
- Good conductors and bad conductors of heat and their examples
- Choice of conductors and insulators in day to day life (Pan handles, metal cooking utensils etc.)
- Methods of Heat Transfer
- Conduction
- Convection
- Convection in gases
- Sea and land breezes
- Application of convection
- Radiation
- Absorption of heat
- Application of radiation
- Thermos Flask: (Application of heat transfer)
Acid, Bases and Salts
- Acids
- Bases
- Salts
- Testing for acids and bases
- Litmus
- Turmeric powder
- China rose petals
- Types of acids
- Mineral and organic acid
- Concentrated and dilute acid
- Properties of acids
- Reaction with metals
- Reaction with carbonates
- Reaction with bases
- Uses of acids
- Hydrochloric acid
- Sulphuric acid
- Nitric acid
- Types of bases
- Properties of bases
- Uses of bases
- Calcium hydroxide
- Sodium hydroxide
- Ammonium hydroxide
- Other bases
- Preparation of salts
- Reaction between an acid and a base
- Reaction between an acid and a metal
- Reaction between vegetable oil and caustic soda
- Naming salts
- Properties of salts
- Uses of salts
Physical and Chemical Changes
- Physical and chemical changes
- Chemical change - formation of a new product with new properties
- Differentiating between physical and chemical change
- Classification as physical & chemical change
- Characteristics of chemical reactions
- Evolution of a gas
- Change of colour
- Formation of precipitate
- Change in energy
- Endothermic reactions
- Exothermic reactions
- Change of state
- Types of chemical reactions
- Combination reaction
- Decomposition reaction
- Single displacement reaction
- Double displacement reaction
- Precipitation reaction
- Neutralisation reaction
- Oxidation and reduction reactions
- Separating a solid from a solution
- By evaporation
- Crystallisation
Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate
- Weather
- Elements of weather
- Temperature
- Humidity and rainfall
- Winds
- Predicting the weather
- Climate
- Effect of the sun on climate
- Climate and adaptation
- Adaptation of animals
- Adaptations to cold climates
- Polar bears
- Penguins
- Birds
- Seals
- Adaptation to hot climates-deserts
- Adaptation to hot and wet climates-tropical rainforests
Winds, Storms and Cyclones
- Air pressure
- Power of air pressure
- Air exerts pressure in all directions
- High speed wind causes reduced pressure
- Air expands on heating
- Wind currents
- Wind currents due to uneven heating between equator and poles
- Wind currents due to uneven heating of land and water
- Thunderstorms, cyclones and tornadoes
- Cyclone forecasting and warning
Natural Resources and Their Conservation
- Our natural resources
- From who do we get these natural resources: Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
- Renewable and non-renewable resources
- Water - a renewable resource
- Shortage of water
- States of water
- Water cycle
- Groundwater
- Water conservation
- Forest wealth
- Prevent floods and maintain the water table
- Prevent soil erosion
- Supply oxygen
- Absorb carbon dioxide
- Cool the air and increase rainfall
- Provide food and shelter for wildlife
- Forests products
- Plants also depend on animals
- Producers, consumers and decomposers
- Food chain
- Balance in nature
- Forest conservation
- Wastewater and sewage
- Importance of drainage and sanitation
- The sewage system
- Sewage treatment
- Wastewater treatment plant
- Better housekeeping practices
- Alternate methods for sewage disposal
Respiration in Organism
- Respiration in plants
- Respiration in animals
- Through cell membrane or skin
- Through air holes
- Through gills
- Through lungs
- The respiratory system in humans
- Breathing in
- To the lungs
- In the lungs
- How air enters the lungs
- Cellular respiration
- Types of respiration
- Aerobic respiration
- Anaerobic respiration
- Difference between combustion and cellular respiration
- Difference between breathing and cellular respiration
Transportation in Plants and Animals
- Transportation of materials in plants: Vascular system, xylem, phloem, osmosis
- Transportation of water and minerals
- Transportation of food
- Transportation of materials in animals
- Transportation in humans
- The blood
- The blood vessels
- The heart
- Plasma
- Blood cells: Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
- Heartbeat and pulse
- Excretion
- Excretion in animals
- Excretion in humans
- Sweating
Reproduction in Plants
- Asexual reproduction in plants
- Fragmentation
- Budding
- Spore formation
- Vegetative reproduction in plants
- Artificial methods of vegetative reproduction
- Grafting
- Cutting
- Layering
- Tissue culture
- Advantages of vegetative reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction in plants
- Pollination
- Insect pollination
- Wind pollination
- Fertilization
- Seed formation
- Fruit formation
- Dispersal of seeds
- Wind
- Water
- Animals
- Explosion of fruits
- Germination of seeds
Motion and Time
- Measurement
- Standard units: metre, kilogram, second, kelvin
- Measurement of time
- Simple pendulum
- Sand clock and sundial
- Motion as a change in position of an object with respect to time
- Types of motion
- Translatory
- Circulatory
- Oscillatory
- Repetitive (Periodic and Non-Periodic)
- Random
- Uniform and non-uniform motion: Concept of distance and speed (average speed)
- Weight
- Concept
- Differences between mass and weight
- Speed
- Distance-time graph for uniform motion
Electric Current and its Effect
- Electric current and electric circuits
- Components of an electric current
- The cell or battery
- The switch
- Appliance such as a bulb
- Conducting wires
- Resistors
- Circuit diagram
- Electric current as a flow of charges
- Electric cell as source of electricity
- Resistors as components that oppose the flow of current
- Simple electric circuit - Series and Parallel
- Battery as a collection of cells connected in series
- Good and Bad conductors of electricity
- Potential difference
- Effects of electric current
- Heating and lighting effect
- The electric fuse is based on the heating effect of current
- Magnetic effect
- Solenoid
- The electromagnet
- Uses of electromagnet
- Test for a magnet (by repulsion)
- Rectilinear propagation of light
- Reflection of light: Definition and examples
- Terms related to reflection - Normal, plane, point of incidence, angle of incidence, angle of reflection
- Laws of Reflection
- Real and virtual images
- Plane mirror
- Uses
- Ray Diagram (no mention of virtual image)
- Characteristics of the image formed (Lateral Inversion, same size, distance is preserved)
- Spherical mirrors: Concave mirror, Convex mirror
- Principal focus
- Image formed by a spherical mirror
- Uses of spherical mirror
- Differences between images formed by plane, concave and convex mirror
- Speed of light (3 X 108 m/s)
- Primary colours (RGB)
- Formation of secondary colours by colour addition
- Appearance of colour of an object (Based on reflection and absorption)
- Colour subtraction
- Lenses
- Terms related to lenses
- Principal focus and focal length
- Image formed by a lens
- The spectrum